S3E15: Adaption of Foreign Media in the U.S., Censorship and White-Washing

S3E15: Adaption of Foreign Media in the U.S., Censorship and White-Washing

Foreign media is very popular in the U.S., but it has to be adpated to suit American needs. This comes in various forms and that is what Kris and I want to discuss in this week's episode
Hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new episode.

I would like to start with asking you to please excuse our absence. It is not Kris’ fault or anything.

Actually, it was my fault because it was my birthday last week. Since I did not feel like recording an episode on my birthday, I decided to give us off for the weekend. I am not sure if we had mentioned that last time or not, but now you know!

Anywho, what do we want to talk about today? Well, we want to touch on three closely related topics.

First, we want to discuss the concept of adapting foreign media to meet American tastes. This includes creating entirely new shows based on foreign shows or employing dubs or subs so that the content can be understood by Americans.
Second, we somewhat touch on the concept of censorship in the U.S. with respect to movies and shows because it is not always clear what we are allowed show on the silver screen.

And finally, the problem of white washing in American media is a common criticism launched against home-grown movies, especially when they are adapations of foreign movies and stories.  Briefly explaining what white-washing is would not do it any justice. You will get to know what white-washing means towards the end of the episode, so please stick around.

As always, Kris and I welcome any comments, questions, constructive criticism, feedback, etc. Feel free to reach out and contact us at anytime. The information to do so will be in the description of this episode.

We hope that you will enjoy the episode as much as we enjoyed making it.

With that being said, let’s begin !


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Christopher M. Chandler, Kris Schauer